Communities which are primarily email-based, although regular meet-ups and gatherings may occur.
Las Vegas Pagan Pride Day
November 7, 2009 – Las Vegas Pagan Pride Day, hosted by the CUUPS Las Vegas, and Agave Spirit Grove. Held at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 3616 E. Lake Mead Blvd, Las Vegas. Join us for the annual Las Vegas Pagan Pride Day event. There will be speakers, booths, and much much more! Volunteers welcome, please email Or if you would like to be a Vendor, or Sponsor, visit for info.
Elemental Grove of Las Vegas
The Elemental Grove is based in Las Vegas, Nevada and is committed to developing a better understand of Modern pagan Spiritual paths through education and action. We feel that all paths should be treated with the same respect and understanding!
Las Vegas Pagan Information Exchange
Yahoo group which supports the weekly roundtable discussions of LVPIE, and has grown to include a strong calendar of events in the community, articles, and reviews. The roundtable discussions are very friendly and generally targeted to the beginner on the path.
Las Vegas Wiccan
This group is designed to share information with the local pagan community. Topics include daily items such as Horoscopes, and Numerology, color and incense of the day as well as other topics of interest including Native American topics and events of interest in the Las Vegas Pagan community.
Edupen and Morgaine SilverOak invite you to join our community.
This list requires that you log in to MSN.
Metaphysical Las vegas
a good group based here in the vegas vortex tons of stuff always going on
Pagan & Witches Community Circle
We offer open circles for the sabbats as well as a variety of classes and workshops. We are a place for pagans, witches and other like-minded individuals of all paths to gather together to worship, fellowship, network and celebrate our spirituality and diversity in perfect love and perfect trust. All are welcome.
Southern Nevada Pagan Resource Circle
This community is specifically designed for people who are new to Earth-based/Pagan paths, or Pagans who are new to the Las Vegas area. Topics are generally social-based and 101 level. Resources available include mundane help navigating the city as well as assistance for the newly-hatched Pagan.
Spiritual Forum
From the Yahoo site: Announcements of upcoming Las Vegas area events, feedback and responses to events, questions, answers, uplifting, inspiring posts all are welcome.
Pagan site for international listings of events going on in the metaphysical community.
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